Brief Coaching - Solutiosurfers Romania
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Brief Coaching


What is Brief Coaching?

Clearly Brief-Coaching is about being brief and effective. Brief-Coaching typically enables clients to come unstuck and get back on track in fewer sessions. Brief-Coaching success rates are as high as those of other coaching approaches.


Brief Coaching is also about using an elaborated set of coaching tools and applying highly effective assumptions. The Brief-Coaching tools and assumptions are the result of over 25 years of practical research in the field on how best to support fast and lasting change. This approach involves a dramatic shift of paradigm towards solution-building interventions and is therefore also known as solutions-focused coaching.


  • Brief Coaching stresses the importance of seeing each client as the expert in finding his/her own solutions. It brings to the surface and builds on clients’ resources and strengths.
  • Brief Coaching focuses on directing clients’ attention towards those moments and actions that are already working the way they want. It helps clients identify what it is that makes these moments work, and do more of the same.
  • Brief Coaching carefully explores how clients want their lives to be different and how they will notice the next steps on their road towards the goal. It helps to build on small and achievable successes.
img vd scaled Coaching school – online and offline coaching courses. ICF International Coaching Federation Certification. Solution focused coaching for teams and individual coaching.

If you would like to talk to us about how coaching for you or your organisation, contact us and one of our consultants will get back to you.


You may find it useful to take a look at some of the articles, books and videos in our treasure box. And/or you might like to join one of our Introduction Workshops.


Here are three videos of Brief-Coaching in action:

With Petra Müller-Demary

With Daniel Meier

With Peter Szabo