Solution Cafe - Solutiosurfers Romania
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Solution Cafe

March 20, 2018 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am

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Join us for a lively gathering full of positive energy, interesting people and solution discovery. The Solution Cafe is an informal, yet structured way to have meaningful conversations in a cafe style framework. It is a chance to get some useful insights and perspectives on a current topic or issue and also some ideas about how to make conversations more focused and constructive. During the cafe, participants learn the key elements of how to support someone in a ‘Solution Talk’ and apply them to their own topic :

  • asking insightful questions
  • focusing on what already works
  • looking for strengths and qualities in self and others.

No previous experience with the approach is needed – we will provide you with some simple guidelines and tools to help you participate in the conversation of your choosing.

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Pentru mine, prima intalnire cu Solution Cafe a fost un moment de trezire. Nu mai stiu ce am mai facut in rest in acea zi, insa am foarte vie in memorie interactiunea cu partenerii de discutie de la Solution Cafe. Am remarcat cat de mult suntem obisnuiti sa ne gandim la probleme si la cauze, influentand astfel felul in care ne exprimam si apoi modul in care actionam. In cadrul Solution Cafe, am avut ocazia sa “degustam” conversatia indreptata spre solutii, si simteam cat de usor putem aluneca in capcana obisnuintei de a cauta cauzele/motivele. Am realizat ca este nevoie de exercitiu, de practica.
Am revenit la Solution Cafe si, cu toate ca “reteta” era aceeasi, mi-a fost utila experienta pentru ca am lucrat pe alt subiect care ma preocupa la acel moment si am avut ocazia sa mai exersez orientarea spre solutii. In plus, am cunoscut oameni noi, diferiti si foarte interesanti. Am fost si mai incantata de a 2-a experienta Solution Cafe, incat am povestit la toti colegii si prietenii cu care m-am intalnit in perioada urmatoare. A 3-a oara am revenit cu un prieten, care a fost interesat de ce i-am povestit.
Asociez orientarea spre solutii cu invatarea unei limbi straine. La inceput stii cateva cuvinte si reguli de gramatica, dar cu timpul, cu lectura si exercitiu, ajungi sa o vorbesti fluent.
Recomand Solution Cafe tuturor celor care sunt deschisi sa-si imbogateasca viata.

La Solution Cafe mi-a placut faptul ca intrebarile se potriveau oricarei situatii si te ajutau sa iti gasesti un raspuns ajustat la povestea fiecaruia.

De asemenea, mi-a placut si atmosfera care s-a creat acolo intr-un timp destul de scurt, a fost o experienta interesanta care m-a ajutat sa imi gasesc cateva raspunsuri.



Date: 20 March 2018

Location: Qreator, Piata Victoriei, Bucharest

Timing: 9:30 – 11:30

Price: Free (you will have to pay for your beverages and any other orders)

Registration: Please use the form below to register


March 20, 2018
9:30 am - 11:30 am

